Bluefire in 2008
Friday, January 9th, 2009Believe it or not, 2008 was a great year for us. We continued to work in the Digital Publishing arena, which we are really into. We did a few projects in the mobile space, which was a goal going into the year. And in the fall we got a new client - the Flash Platform team at Adobe. Given that we’ve always been a huge fan (and user) of Flash Player since the FutureSplash days it was very meaningful to us to do some R&D and a product demo for them. I’ll try to blog about the various projects in some detail, but here’s an overview of our 2008 work:
- Adobe Digital Editions 1.5 - UX design and Flex dev on this update that added content portability and support for the Sony Reader Digital Book.
- Adobe Content Server 4 Admin Console - UX design and Flex dev of the admin console for Adobe’s new digital publishing and distribution management tool.
- Dexter Widget 1.5 - UX design and Flex dev to update a book preview Flex widget that added customizable styles, fluid layout to work in a variety of sizes and screens, and mySpace compatibility.
- World Class Text Tour - Creative and Flex dev on this interactive marketing piece that showcases the world languages and text layout features of Flash Player 10 and the Text Layout Framework.
- Mogreet Widget - Flash dev on this widget for sending fun video messages to mobile devices.
- Sumisho Website - Design and HTML on major update to a site we had done in a previous year.
- Mobile Application - UI designs for an un-announced mobile application: iphone and windows mobile versions.