Pet Medications

Adding Links to Lightroom/AMG Flash Galleries

We’ve received lots of questions about how to add links to LR/AMG Flash Galleries. Here’s a couple tips on that:

The easiest way to add a link is to put one on the right side of the menu bar by simply typing your URL, ie into the “Web or Mail Link” field in the “Site Info” panel in LR’s Web Tab. This will cause the text you put into the “Contact Info” field (in that same panel) to be a link to that URL. If you are already using that field for your email address and are looking for an additional way to add links there are many options:

1. Put links in the caption area: The only way to add other links from within LR is to add a link in either the “caption” or “title” text fields (appears just below the images) To do that, you’d go to the “Image Info” panel, and choose the “custom text” option in the drop down menu in either the “Title” or “Caption” area. Then type (more likely paste) your link tag in the custom text input field eg:
<a href=””>Bluefire</a>

2. Put links in the HTML page: Open the html page of your gallery in a text editor and add links above or below the gallery movie – If you don’t already know how to do that, refer to my blog post here which describes the most basic way to insert an image above the gallery movie for reference, but instead of inserting an image tag, you simply insert a link tag eg:
<a href=””>Bluefire</a> you can do the same thing on the bottom, just before the closing tag.

3. Make your Site Title or Collection Title a link: (This is the text that shows up in the header of the gallery) you can’t add the link from within LR, but it is really easy to do in a text editor. Simply open the group.xml file of an exported gallery in notepad or some other simple text editor and put a link tag in either place and save it. eg:
<a href=””>bluefire blog</a>
<a href=””>bluefire</a>

4. Add menus/menu items that have links (more on that coming very soon)

4 Responses to “Adding Links to Lightroom/AMG Flash Galleries”

  1. Chris Coffin Says:

    I’ve got a question regarding the play controls in the lightroom flash player. Is there any way to have the slideshow begin playing as soon as it loads so that the user does not need to click the “play” button? I’ve tried adding the parameter “startonplay” in the embed code to no avail. Thanks for all the other tips on this site. Very useful!

  2. Administrator Says:

    Unfortunately there is currently no way get the gallery to “auto play”.

  3. Chris Coffin Says:

    Oh well. Thanks much! It’s nice it does offer what it does : )

  4. Cheryl Says:

    I have tried you suggestion of linking for lightroom and have not succeded. I have tried the very first suggestion and have tried the #3. I would like to make number 3 work. I have entered the info in the site title on the xml page but all I get is the title underlined when I roll over it. Nothing happens when I click either area that the lines show. The directions on how to put the label tag into the site title was unclear. The
    code in my the xml page reads: Back to Cea Images Photo Galleries
    Do you have any further suggestions. I was trying to make the gallery open inside a templet as shown in Matt K. DVD Photoshop to Dreamweaver but I can’t seem to make that work either. I am using CS3 and Lightroom 1.4.1

    I hope you have the answer. Thanks, Cheryl